Respect microbes


I thought I would start collecting amazing things about the Earth. When I look at various news sites, I am sometimes impressed by how amazing things are. I am very interested in the latest technology and scientific developments, and I often find them wonderful, but recently I have been particularly moved by the workings of nature and the Earth. It all started when I read a news story about bacteria that break down materials in plastic bottles and thought, “Microorganisms are amazing! The Earth’s recycling power is amazing!”

It seems like there is a dilemma that if you try to make PET bottles and plastics strong, they will naturally become hard to decompose and corrode, but microorganisms try to return them to the soil. They have also been found in flowerbeds at elementary schools in Germany and Kamakura.

As of 2021, approximately 30,000 types of enzymes that break down plastic have been found worldwide. It’s amazing that microorganisms can become edible, but it’s also amazing how mutations are a vital phenomenon.

I also looked up the number of microorganisms on Earth, and the rough estimate is an astounding number of 415 to 615 x 10 to the power of 28. Microorganisms are a general term for tiny organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye, so it’s amazing how many invisible beings are involved in the cycle.

Perhaps it is because there are so many different kinds of microorganisms, or because it is difficult to pinpoint the environment in which they live, but 99% of microorganisms remain a mystery. Although we don’t know the details, we have the impression that mutant species are constantly appearing.

I suddenly thought that maybe plastic and PET bottles also wanted to return to the soil, but microorganisms are amazing, connecting the cycle of material circulation. The circulation of matter on Earth is amazing.

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