This is about water, which we rely on so much in our daily lives. When I’m taking a bath, in the kitchen, or in the toilet, I think about how amazing the power of water to carry things is. How many different substances does water carry with it? Of course, water is an important part of our lives, from drinking water to moisture in the air that prevents dryness, but here I’d like to talk about its dissolving power. It seems that there is no other substance in nature that can dissolve as many different substances as water. Water dissolves gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, most organic matter, and even inorganic matter, though in small amounts. Water is amazing.
In that sense, coffee and milk are also aqueous solutions, so most drinks seem to be made possible by the dissolving power of water. What’s great about water is that it dissolves things uniformly, and it seems that sugar, salt, and miso soup are also delicious because they dissolve uniformly. It’s true that the taste of a drink doesn’t change drastically as you drink it.
Even though it’s so close to us, water seems to be a very special substance. I found a list of how special water is, and it lists 13 phase anomalies (solid, liquid, gas, etc.), 22 density anomalies, 18 material anomalies, 11 thermodynamic anomalies, and 10 physical anomalies. At this point, the very existence of water is a mystery.
It seems natural that the mysteries of water and the mysteries of life phenomena are closely related. While reading a special feature on research that interprets life phenomena from water, I came across a sentence about a poem written by the poet Makoto Ooka: “Seventy percent of the earth’s surface is water, seventy percent of the human body is water, our deepest feelings and thoughts are surely felt by water, thought by water” (from “A Message to the Water of My Hometown”). Perhaps there is something about this.
It seems that another new discovery has been made about water. Liquid crystal water has been discovered. This is a “fourth state” that cannot be classified as solid, liquid, or gas, and is a viscous state that is somewhere between a solid and a liquid.
I am amazed at the many abilities of water. It seems that the many roles that water plays on Earth are also amazing. Earth is called the water planet, and 70% of its surface is covered with water as oceans. The Earth may be a planet with many unique properties. Water is amazing, and the Earth is amazing.