Respect for the sound


Recently, I’ve become interested in vibrations, frequencies, and sound resonance. When I see the phenomenon of tuning forks resonating, I find it mysterious. Since air vibrations are invisible to the naked eye, perhaps it’s strange to me that vibrations can be transmitted to distant places.

When I go to a live concert or play an instrument, I feel the vibrations throughout my body. We cannot notice sounds that cannot be heard by the ears, but even if we cannot hear them, the vibrations are transmitted to us and have some effect on us. High-frequency sounds such as the chirps of birds and insects and the sound of streams, known as hypersonic sounds, are said to have a soothing effect on the mind and body, promote health, and form favorable feelings. The phenomenon of forming favorable feelings is also amazing.

The human ear can hear frequencies between 20Hz and 20KHz, which is the frequency at which air vibrates 20 to 20,000 times per second, but the ultra-high frequencies of over 40KHz found in tropical rainforests are said to suppress the rise in blood sugar levels. There seems to be a huge number of living creatures living in tropical rainforests, so there must be a lot of very subtle sounds in them.

Sound is picked up by the vibration of the eardrum, but it is believed that the vibration of the air is actually transmitted directly to the body and cells. There is research showing that the cells themselves pick up the vibrations and change their genetic response as if they are listening to sound.

There is also research that suggests that the reason living things can detect sound is because it is related to life itself. Is there an important meaning hidden in the fact that living things can perceive sound? There is something about the phrase that makes you think, “Yes, that’s true.”

I also looked into sound and ecosystems, and it seems that sound can stimulate microorganisms in soil regeneration. In an experiment, at 80 dB, faster decomposition of organic matter and an increase in fungi by about five times were observed. 80 dB is about the same level as the sound inside a subway car.

In addition, playing the sounds of a healthy coral reef near damaged coral attracts nearly twice as many fish, which is expected to help regenerate the coral reef.

There are many water sounds on Earth, such as the sounds of waves, rivers, and rain, but it seems that stones also make sounds. In contrast to the high frequencies of the rainforest, stones emit low-frequency singing sounds at 1 to 5 Hz, below the range of human hearing.

I think it’s amazing that sound resonates not only with the body but also with the mind. And our ears, which are always working, are also amazing. I think we can hear the alarm sound when we wake up in the morning because our ears are on standby, and I feel like our ears can’t rest like our eyes can rest with their eyes closed. And sound can only be transmitted through air, so the air that fills every nook and cranny and exists everywhere is amazing, and the earth is amazing.

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