Respect for the Wind


Sometimes there are windy days, and other days with a pleasant breeze, and the wind seems to be constantly changing. When you research wind, you’ll find that it is the movement or flow of air, and that it seems that air moves due to the influence of heat, with heated air expanding and creating the movement. Wind is generated to eliminate heat imbalances and allow heat to be distributed throughout the planet. On a global scale, it seems that the wind moves to eliminate the heat imbalance between the equator and the poles caused by sunlight, and to distribute heat throughout the entire planet. Wind is amazing.

I thought the wind carried pollen and microorganisms, but it also carries heat. It seems that heat on Earth is circulated through the atmosphere, water vapor, and seawater, and it seems that the force that actually moves them is the wind. The circulation of the atmosphere is as you would imagine, but since air contains water vapor as well as heat, the wind carries the water vapor to form clouds that bring rain and snow.

Ocean currents are also caused by heat from the sun and wind. I’ve heard that wind creates waves, but I didn’t know that wind also creates movements in the ocean. It’s called wind-driven circulation. It seems to cause currents from the ocean’s surface to a depth of several hundred meters, and the direction of the currents is perpendicular to the wind. Ocean currents created by the westerly winds blowing eastward are directed south, and are influenced by the Coriolis force caused by the rotation of the earth.

The ocean’s surface is warmed by the sun, so its temperature tends to be high, while the ocean floor tends to be cold. Typhoons and hurricanes, which are strong winds, are also disasters, but they also stir up the ocean to eliminate the heat imbalance. Corals do not tolerate high water temperatures, so typhoons can help them recover by lowering the water temperature. They also send phytoplankton that are photosynthesizing on the ocean’s surface to the depths, and push nutrients that have settled on the ocean floor back up to the surface. Winds are amazing.

Aerosols are tiny particles contained in gas, and the wind apparently transports iron-containing particles from land as aerosols. The wind carries these particles to the ocean, where it supplies iron to the sea and revitalizes the marine ecosystem.

n everyday life, we think of wind to dry laundry or blow things away, but it’s amazing how many roles it plays. It’s amazing how the wind creates circulation throughout the Earth. It’s amazing how diverse the Earth’s circulation system is.

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