Respect for the soil


When studying wind and water, I also want to study earth. It is treated as one of the four elements, so I think it is easy to understand that it is a very important element. However, when it comes to spells and attributes in games, the element of earth seems a little difficult to handle. Is this because it mainly deals with physical properties such as heat, force, and pressure? Fire, wind, and water are easy to understand, but the complexity of earth soil may be difficult to handle. Many living things live in the soil, and it seems that a diverse ecosystem has been created.

This soil is thought to be a mixture of minerals, organic matter from decomposed plants and animals, many living organisms, and air and water, but it takes about 100 years to create about 1 cm of soil. It is only natural that it takes years for rocks to break down into sand, for living organisms to be decomposed by soil organisms and then microorganisms, and for necessary microorganisms to take root. It is a precious resource that is difficult to regenerate.

The most fertile soil on Earth is a black soil called Chernozem, which is also called the Emperor of Soil or Miracle Soil. It is distributed in Eastern Europe, North America, and northeastern China. It seems to be extremely valuable, but it seems that the soil itself is only found on Earth, so it is also called the miracle of the Earth. There is no soil on the Moon or Mars, so Earth’s soil is valuable even in the solar system.

I thought there was a lot of soil underground, but when you put the soil that humans can use to live on the land surface, it’s only 18cm thick. It’s like a thin skin considering the size of the Earth. It seems like most of the earth is made of rock, and it’s amazing that it’s soft, contains lots of living organisms, and is rich in water and nutrients. Soil is amazing.

I knew that rocks break down physically, chemically, and biologically over a long period of time to become soil, and I also thought that soil creation was important on farmland, but I don’t think I was aware of its value and rarity. In the first place, I am researching things that seem mundane, things that cannot be seen, things that are always there, so soil is an important symbol of the Earth. I wish I could be more aware of this on a daily basis. Soil is amazing. The Earth is amazing.

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