I think there must be a reason for each living thing to exist. I think it would be difficult for a small number of famous creatures to be responsible for the Earth’s magnificent and intricate cycles, so I think that the vast majority of living things are probably involved. Microorganisms are amazing, as they are countless and too small to be seen with the naked eye, but I think insects are the next smallest and most numerous. More than one million species of insects have been discovered, accounting for 54% of all plants and animals.
It would be difficult to investigate all of them, and there may be some creatures that I will never come into contact with, but I would like to learn as much as possible. Broadly speaking, the roles of insects are said to be threefold: carrying pollen, decomposing dead bodies and dead leaves, and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem through preying.
So, I saw moths gathering around lights at night or landing on walls, and I wondered what role they played. Butterflies, which look similar, come to flowers to suck nectar and carry the pollen on their bodies, but I didn’t know anything about moths. Then, I recently learned that moths also carry pollen. A new study has revealed that moths are more efficient pollinators than bees.
Bees and butterflies help with pollination during the day, and moths help with pollination at night. I thought of honeybees as specialists in carrying pollen, but moths are apparently even more efficient. I do imagine their whole bodies covered in hair, so it seems like pollen would get all over their body. Moths carry a variety of pollen, from wildflowers to flowers on shrubs and tall trees. I’m particularly impressed by moths, who carry pollen from cultivated strawberries and citrus fruits. Moths are amazing.
Also, bees and butterflies tend to carry pollen from specific plants, while moths tend to carry pollen from a wide variety of plants. In fact, research into the nighttime pollen-carrying behavior has only just begun. I hope that the reasons for the existence of various insects will continue to be revealed.
Apparently some moths can catch and emit ultrasonic waves. There seem to be many insects and abilities that have yet to be discovered, so how did the Earth become such a diverse planet? Earth is amazing.