I was researching birds, which I learned are a measure of nature conservation. Now that I think about it, birds are at the top of the ecosystem. Having a lot of birds is proof that the ecosystem is rich, and it seems that everything from microorganisms that support circulation to plants and animals live in good balance.
It seems that birds are very important in the natural world. It is well known that birds carry seeds, but they also carry small organisms and microorganisms. The fact that birds travel long distances means that material circulation is taking place over a fairly wide area. Birds are amazing.
There are birds that pollinate plants. Apparently 5% of the plants that humans use for food and medicine are pollinated by birds. There are also birds that discover the death of an animal within an hour and come to eat it, preventing decay and the spread of disease. We don’t see them much in our daily lives, but it’s certainly important.
Seabird droppings also enrich coral reefs, carrying and spreading nutrients such as phosphorus to faraway places. Considering the distances that migratory birds fly, this is a huge cycle of nutrients. Phosphorus is so important that seabird droppings, known as guano, and other fossils, were once traded at high prices as fertilizer.
And, although it may seem strange, listening to birds singing seems to reduce stress in people. Furthermore, when people encounter birds, their mental health seems to improve for up to eight hours. This is understandable from a physical experience, but why is this the case? The existence of birds is mysterious.
The amazing role of birds is that they fly, but the fact that they can fly is amazing in the first place. Because of the gravity of the Earth, most animals live on a flat surface, but birds live in three dimensions using the sky, so it seems like the difference between 2D and 3D. They must have amazing sensory organs and motor skills. Birds are amazing, and the Earth with its gravity and atmosphere is amazing.