

Respect the air

Not being able to breathe air for even three minutes is life-threatening. In fact, humans also get their nutrients from air, and both nitrogen and oxygen are essential to the ecosystem. This is a tribute to the air that is always close by and can be breathed at any time.

Respect the stone

The Earth is said to have a unique variety of minerals among the solar system. 80% of the Earth is made of stone, and if animals, plants, and most manufactured products are also made of stone, then most of what we see with our eyes may be part of the Earth. In honor of stone.

Respect the mushrooms

Mushrooms are essential to the Earth's cycle. They have an advanced autonomous distributed system that allows them to communicate with each other and form a huge underground network that involves the entire forest. In homage to the mushrooms that support the forest.

Respect the sound

We pay tribute to the positive impact that the high frequency sounds of forests and rainforests have on our physical and mental health, to the direct effect that sound has on our cells, to the moving experience of beautiful music, and to the relationship between sound and life.

Respect the water

Water is a mysterious substance, and no other substance seems to be able to dissolve things as well as water. This is a tribute to the fact that water is able to transport things, and that it is thanks to this that we drink our daily lives and that life exists.

Respect microbes

Plastic-eating microorganisms seem to be appearing one after another. As of 2021, there are about 30,000 species. In tribute to the microorganisms that play a key role in the circulation of matter.